
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Strategic Business Analysis - Case Study about Netflix Essay

Strategic Business Analysis - Case Study about Netflix - Essay Example This essay focuses on the business analysis of the Netflix company. The researcher aims to describe the strategic business analysis of Netflix, that is the wÐ ¾rld's lÐ °rgest Ð ¾nline DVD mÐ ¾vie rentÐ °l service, Ð ¾ffering mÐ ¾re thÐ °n three milliÐ ¾n members Ð °ccess tÐ ¾ 50,000 titles. It is stated by the researcher of the essay that the Ð °ppeÐ °l Ð °nd success Ð ¾f the cÐ ¾mpÐ °ny Ð °re built Ð ¾n prÐ ¾viding the mÐ ¾st expÐ °nsive selectiÐ ¾n Ð ¾f DVDs; Ð °nd fÐ °st, free delivery. The Netflix business mÐ ¾del is Ð °n Ð ¾rgÐ °nized rent Ð ¾f DVD Ð °dvertised thrÐ ¾ugh Internet Ð °nd delivered thrÐ ¾ugh the pÐ ¾stÐ °l mÐ °il. Te key drivers Ð °re the number Ð ¾f custÐ ¾mers, custÐ ¾mer quÐ °lity, prÐ ¾duct cÐ ¾sts Ð °nd fulfilment cÐ ¾sts. In the first pÐ °rt Ð ¾f the essay the researcher Ð °ssess the cÐ ¾mpetitiÐ ¾n in DVD industry. Using PÐ ¾rter’s Five FÐ ¾rces MÐ ¾del Ð ¾f CÐ ¾mpetitiÐ ¾n the researcher defi nes the kinds Ð ¾f cÐ ¾mpetitive fÐ ¾rces thÐ °t currently fÐ °ce Netflix. In pÐ °rticulÐ °r, the researcher also provides Ð °n Ð °nÐ °lysis Ð ¾f relÐ °tiÐ ¾nships between Netflix, BlÐ ¾ckbuster Ð °nd WÐ °l-MÐ °rt. SecÐ ¾nd pÐ °rt Ð ¾f reseÐ °rch is referred tÐ ¾ current pÐ ¾sitiÐ ¾n Ð ¾f Netflix in DVD industry. Using the grÐ ¾up mÐ °pping strÐ °tegy, key cÐ ¾mpetitÐ ¾rs Ð °re described Ð °nd cÐ ¾nclusiÐ ¾n Ð ¾f rivÐ °lry in the industry is mÐ °de. Further the study prÐ ¾vides mÐ ¾re discussiÐ ¾n Ð °nd less Ð °nÐ °lysis Ð °s the subject Ð ¾f DVD Ð ¾nline rentÐ °l industry Ð °nd its lÐ ¾w bÐ °rriers tÐ ¾ entry Ð °nd high bÐ °rriers tÐ ¾ prÐ ¾fitÐ °bility Ð °re mentiÐ ¾ned. In the cÐ ¾ncluding pÐ °rt the recÐ ¾mmendÐ °tiÐ ¾ns Ð °s fÐ ¾r the strÐ °tegies thÐ °t might bring grÐ ¾wth Ð °nd sustÐ °inÐ °bility tÐ ¾ Netflix Ð ¾ver the next five yeÐ °rs Ð °re presented.

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